Welcome to my website..


I truly enjoy the ODD and strange things and places in life. Here you will find the many pictures I have taken of my ODD TRAVELS. I am always looking for that next adventure. I hope you enjoy your visit into the world of ODD TRAVELS and visit often.


Stephen King's house in BANGOR, MAINE

Little Ale Inn sign - Area 51

My Mom and Ruth Buzzi


I am BACk

04/23/2020 15:37
Yes, I am FINALLY back and will be adding ALOT more pictures....

Empty Folders

10/21/2016 13:48
My web site is a work in progress.. so some folders will still be empty. I will be adding very soon.

Current News

10/21/2016 13:42
Yes, I have been MIA for awhile. We just got back from another trip to Salem, Mass. And we were...


05/29/2015 13:37
I have been on the road. I will be posting my new pictures little by little so stop by often. xo

Ed Wood

03/13/2015 16:18
I just learned that Ed Wood lived in Poughkeepsie, NY, a town which is close to my home. It appears...

Road Trips..

02/21/2015 15:11
Let's ALL in the North East hope SPRING will come very soon. And when it does, I will be out on the...


02/21/2015 15:08
I am also on Facebook.... please come and give me a LIKE if you are on FACEBOOK. Thank...


02/14/2015 09:58
This is the launch of my new SUE's ODD TRAVELS web site. I hope you will stop by often. I am...