Nipper the RCA dog
Nipper the RCA Dog
Looking at the large Nipper the RCA Dog on a warehouse in Albany, New York, you can clearly see a bracket with fasteners on its upper ear, suggesting the ear used to be bolted onto something, such as a Victrola horn.
[Jeff Duboff, 10/01/2005]July 2006: Michael Arnoff, president of Arnoof Moving and Storage, writes "I was happy to see that Nipper, on my building, is listed there! Just to clarify some of your reader's comments: the bracket is actually a light fixture. It was formerly a beacon as the building used to be the tallest building in Albany (not so any longer). There was never a Victrola box and horn." October 2005 - Eric from Albany writes: "There was never anything like a Victrola with the Nipper Dog in Albany. The bracket on the ear held an aircraft warning light and a weather monitor."
The bit about the "Victrola box and horn" having been removed from the building is probably wrong. I have lived in Albany since 1983 and have never seen or heard any evidence that ther ever were there. Looks like from the beginning it's been only the dog on the building.
[Eric Stott, 07/13/2004]
The old RCA Victor dog Nipper is still atop the former RCA building in Albany, NY. One of only two giant Nippers remaining - the other is, or was, in Baltimore. The Victrola box and horn were taken down from this Albany building many years ago, but subsequent owners have continued to maintain Nipper.
[Chuck Porter, 01/21/2001]